Crystal Cave
Rusty, Kaelan, Ishum, and Raoul explore the depths of the Crystal Cave, where they find statues that are almost lifelike…
Battle of Crowspire
Teslan, Fae’ael, and Ishum lead the troops of Sophia’s Rest to Crowspire and fight to liberate the town from undead.
No Surrender
Fae’ael, Belrith, Raoul, and Ishum set out for a cave near the peak of a nearby mountain. Inside, they encounter bandits who throw everything they have at the band of adventurers.
Earthborn Bandits
Teslan, Fae’ael, Gloom, Raoul, and Belrith venture into the mountains to clear out a fort filled with bandits and wolves, getting lost a few times along the way.
Surveying Crowsong County
Ishum, Belrith, and Raoul head out to deal with a tower on the edge of Crowsong County. After dealing with the bandits there, they scout around the area and discover several important locations.
Trouble in the Mountains
Characters: Fae’ael An Excerpt from Fae’ael – The Warden of Griffin Tower’s – Journal Early […]
Knowledge and Power
Characters: After discussing where they wanted to adventure this week, Fae’ael, Raoul and Ilai decided […]