Aligning the Maps
Teslan, Ishum, Gloom, Illai, Raoul, and Fae’ael explore the Bronze Forest, and attempt to figure out exactly where it is in relation to Sophia’s Rest.
Earthborn Bandits
Teslan, Fae’ael, Gloom, Raoul, and Belrith venture into the mountains to clear out a fort filled with bandits and wolves, getting lost a few times along the way.
Battle of Eagle Cliff
Characters: First we travelled to get the potions of temp HP, and spent our night […]
Forging Northwards
Characters: An Excerpt from the Diary of a Glass Man Days Since Last Near Death […]
Puzzling Tomb
Characters: We begin the adventure and quickly explore, finding nothing. Following the road however we […]
Bottom of the Well
Characters: In the beginning we set out from the lake, having an uneventful journey to […]