Junil, Sir Render, Gore, Kaelan, Beryl and I head south from Anderson farms. As we traveled, we came across a series of Barrow Mounds, in a similar style to what we have seen before. Junil leads us well, heading south along the coast to try and get to the swamp that serves as the lair for the Froghemoth we are hunting.We arrive at a large pool, the group discusses trying to set a trap, but the net we have is too small. Kaelan gives me a potion that lets me change my form to better be able to swim underwater. I quaff the potion and move up to wade into the water, the bottom is softer than expected and instead of wading in up to my knees, I sink down heavily into the silty bottom. As I enter the water, a large creature begins to move towards me in the pool, Junil moves up, sending blasts of ice from her fist at the creature.I pulled myself from the muddy water, as the creature emerged from the muck it shot tentacles out, grabbing Gore and pulling him down into its maw. Its remaining tentacles shoot out to grab Sir Render and I. Kaelan tosses one of his alchemical concoctions at the beast as it fades back beneath the water, but it doesn’t seem to have any effect. Beryl summons his shadow and shoots a bolt of dark energy at the beast. Sir Render ripped free of the tentacles grappling him and charged forward, trying to free Gore from the belly of the beast by enticing it to eat him instead.
The creature decided Gore was not a delicacy to be eaten, and threw him up, shooting him 10 feet into the air and deeper into the pool. Junil ran along the tentacle grappling me and leapt onto the creature’s back, striking down with her crutch. I also tore free from the creature’s grapple and leapt into the water drawing closer as it lashed out grabbing Sir Render again. The creature began to descend deeper into the pool, I struck out with my sword, and Kaelan stabbed with his dagger, both of us scoring heavy hits. Kaelan tosses another alchemical concoction into the water, the golden bubbles sink down, coating the creature making it easier to see and hit. Beryl and his shadow finally moved forward, blasting the creature with bolts of eldritch energy. Render slashed the beast with his halberd, and Gore blasted the creature with a lightning bolt from his wand. Junil unleashes a flurry of blows on the beast before I swim around, striking off a tentacle and then driving my blade down into the beast’s head, killing it. In the stomach of the beast we find a partially melted group of coins an Emerald, and a magical mace. I spent some time cutting the heart from the beast, hopefully Anahel will be able to use its properties to enhance my weapons.
We headed further south, exploring more of the area. We passed by a shrine that had an eerie feeling around it, something to be explored another time. The next day we came across a group of goblins, but the group decided to just outdistance them rather than engage. We seemed to get lost and travel in circles, Junil wanted to take a break from leading the party so Sir Render took over. In our wanderings we came back across where we found the goblins, and they had set up an ambush for us. The party was more than a match for the goblins, quickly dispatching them, save for a few that Beryl had paralyzed whom we captured and Junil gave them directions to Sophia’s Rest, telling them of Tan’s group of goblins, I trust that a couple of goblins cannot get up to too much trouble in our lands while the Knights of Iron patrol the roads.