The Thunder Lord


  • Serena (Sorcerer)
  • Fae’ael (Ranger)
  • Ilai (Druid)

Starting their adventure from Sophia’s Rest, the party decide to head to the Dragon Statue and take all the potions of temp healing, reasoning with only three of them they will need them (spoiler: they did.) Resting at the shelter, Fae’ael begins to lead them through the woods, managing to find a path to the north fairly easily. As they walk Ilai and Fae’ael spot an axe embedded in a half-chopped tree. Ilai casts detect magic and they find the axe is magical, pulling it out Fae’ael notices the skeleton of the owner, who has been decapitated. Ilai and Fae’ael have a conversation about forest preservation and continue on with their new axe.

That night they all trance, and a 6 hours is uneventful. Fae’ael discovers the axe is a Bloodshed Axe, and wonders what use she could have for it. Continuing through the forest, Fae’ael adds to her map with two new hexes, and they bed down for the night again in the dense forest. Serena then offers for Cedric to keep watch, and the party all trance. Only to be woken up 2 hours later by a bunch of nekkers, the fight is quick but brutal – with Ilai and Serena managing to take out many of them with their powerful AOE spells. Fae’ael and Cedric have a conversation about fire, and the little elemental promises to be more careful.

Continuing their trance, the party awakens and heads towards the center of the tempest. After a short encounter with a water elemental, they attempt to head into the center of the tempest but in the sheering rain veer off course into the mountains. After another (uneventuful) night of trances, Fae’ael asks Ilai to take the lead, and they manage to lead them directly into the tempest hex.

Here it is incredibly unpleasant, and none of the party can find their way into source of the storm. Serena asks Cedric for help but he seems afraid of the lightning and can’t sense any elementals. Fae’ael finds a raccoon sheltering from the storm and after offering food and a speak with animals has a discussion with the critter. The raccoon says the area is ruled by the Thunder Lord and it has been storming all their life, they direct us to the center of the tempest and we continue. On the way Fae’ael and Ilai spot some boar tracks but neither can discern any magical or primordial nature to them so they continue.

They find the clearing with the Thunder Lord. A huge electric boar! The party discuss what to do, and both Fae’ael and Ilai want to talk to the boar to see if the beast needs help. Greeting him they wake him from his nap, and the boar is very grumpy and attacks them. The fight is brutal, but combining their forces together, with Cedric and Serena blasting the Thunder Lord with fire, Ilai providing support, healing and pelting of ice – they manage to weaken the boar enough for Fae’ael to deal the final blow. They recover from his corpse, a javelin of lightning and 800 gold worth of burned lightning glass. The party decides to use 50 gold to create lightning glass necklaces for each of them and Cedric and continue home.

On the way home, Fae’ael and Cedric have a conversation about fire, with Cedric promising to be more careful in the future with where the dragon breath goes. Fae’ael is unaware of some of her personal secrets Ilai may have spotted during the fight, but the conversation is not raised…for now.

They return home victorious, having quelled the tempest and making the eastern mountains somewhat safer to explore.

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