- Belrith (Cleric)
- Ishum (Beastheart)
- Florian (Barbarian)
We begin our adventure by collecting some Potions of Temp HP from the dragonman statue fountain. Then we headed into the Witch Forest.
Despite assurances otherwise, we all fail to navigate the dense forest successfully. We know there’s a swamp in here somewhere, but it’s really difficult to find a safe path to it.
Eventually we find some old stone ruins, not enough for a shelter, but a decent place to at least see the sky. Searching around we find a small alcove with a Candle of the Deep and some gold inside. We make camp here for the night.
Naharmutu, the Earth Elemental companion, senses something approaching during the night—despite Belrith not seeing anything on watch. A moment later a handful of creepy undead with no skin have come to kill us! We leap out of our slumber and meet them in combat. They explode when killed, spraying acid and poison all over us, but we manage to dispatch them all.
The next morning we set off once again, and once again we still fail to find swamp. We do however manage to find a horde of nekkers as they attempt to surprise us! We quickly dispatch them without much issue.
We wander aimlessly deeper into the forest… A giant spider climbs down from a tree and surprises us! However, after a short debate about if we should try to tame it, we squish it.
After days of wandering the forest, we finally make it into the swamp. Wading through the muck, we come across a ominously nice looking house. It seems to scream “a witch lives here” to us, and sure enough an old lady beckens us inside as we approach. Being super suspicious we cautiously approach, already planning our assault—and when we see thousands of rats inside, we attack.
We murder her quickly enough without issue. However the thousands of rats prove to be more difficult to take out. Florian in particular was not a fan of them. We do manage to dispatch the swarms, and can safely loot the house.
Inside we, find 92gp, a potion of animal friendship, potion of water breathing, and a key with the same symbol as the tree-door! We begin to suspect the door is a portal to the floating tower. We also find a rough map of the area, showing a cave and lake north of the house.
Guessing this is likely the best shelter we’ll find in the forest, we decide to sleep here—and for once we manage to sleep uninterrupted! We awake feeling well rested.
Feeling accomplished, we head the direction of home. This takes us deeper into the swamp, where we find a clearing full of dead things. They appear to be killed by snakes. There are lots of holes in the ground.
We spend an hour burying the bodies and continue on our journey. Leaving the swamp and entering the forest once more, we see more [snake?] holes. An ominous sign, but nothing attacks us.
Before exiting the forest we fight some more nekkers, but they were no match for us.
Finding our trail markers from the beginning of our adventure, we manage to find out way out of the forest and the road to home.