Lake of Suffering


  • Belrith (Cleric)
  • Fae’ael (Ranger)

Day 1: Heading south along the new road, Belrith and Fae’ael immediately decide to investigate a nice pond. They see a small water elemental swimming in the water, and acting threateningly towards them. Belrith tries to speak to them, but after hearing no response and seeing some glittery treasure in the lake, he suggests they fight. Fae’ael shrugs, flips a coin and joins Belrith in the fight. After some back and forth they manage to defeat the water weird, with Belrith only getting marginally beaten and grappled. He swims beneath the waters and recovers 87 gold and a 10g gem. They then find their way back to the road and quickly head to the Anderson farm.

There, Fae’ael is introduced to the Andersons, and her and Belrith help out around the farm and discuss the finer points of Lady Luck and their shared beliefs. They then attempt to sleep the night. During the night they are awakened by a goblin attack, possibly seeking revenge for the death of their leader. Fae’ael (using some new spells) is able to dispatch many minions while Belrith grapples with a goblin sneak. Frustrated with the sneak, the duo manage to eventually kill the goblins, and return to a short rest. Belrith then realizes that his new Devotee censer recharges each dawn, and uses it’s magic to heal himself and Fae’ael back to full hit points. They rest and continue onwards the next day.

Day 2: With Belrith navigating the grass lands the duo manage to head into the mountains, without too much trouble – fighting and getting gored by a bore on the way. Fae’ael then leads them through the mountains, with Belrith using the censer magic to heal them up once again. They rest with no problems and prepare to descend into the lake.

Day 3: Managing to eventually find their way to the lake, they see a beautiful golden tree in the centre. Belrith casts water walk on the two of them, and they race to the island, both of them cheating to get ahead. Fae’ael wins the race, but is stopped by the sight of a beautiful tree with a steel door set into it. Neither of them notice any danger and approach the steel door. It is large, and covered in a symbol of the floating tower and the tower rune with two giant keyholes. Belrith tries to open the door, but it is locked. They believe they have found the entrance to the first Gateway orb. Belrith sits to casts detect magic While Fae’ael goes to explore the island. However they are interrupted by air elementals appearing out of the door itself.

Rushing back to help Belirth, Fae’ael sees four small elementals and a large one attacking the cleric. The resulting battle is brutal and although they manage to kill the four smaller ones, the large one is giving them both trouble. Close to death, Belrith activates the censer, which leads to five rounds of the duo falling unconscious only to be brought back again as they tried to destroyed the air elemental. Eventually it flees before dying, and bloodied yet alive the duo quickly flee with their lives, and a healthy respect for the mountains around them.

Day 4 and Day 5 Berating Fae’ael for a terrible adventure, Belrith advocates pushing through the next two days with no rest – leading to them both gaining two levels of exhaustion. Making it back to grassland, they rest before being attacked by an ogre. Frustrated, they take out their anger on the ogre before heading back to sleep. Day 6 to Day 8 Desperate to get back to the farm, Fae’ael and Belrith end up circling the farm, exhausted and confused as to where they are. They find an old camp, leading to a small cave and agree to come back later. They eventually find the farm and then the road, and limping back to town tell the tale of how they mountains are extremely dangerous.

Day 6 to Day 8 Desperate to get back to the farm, Fae’ael and Belrith end up circling the farm, exhausted and confused as to where they are. They find an old camp, leading to a small cave and agree to come back later. They eventually find the farm and then the road, and limping back to town tell the tale of how they mountains are extremely dangerous.

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