A Cursed Clash

We leave Gloom’s tower and almost get lost, and then a sudden thunderstorm arrives and Raoul must hastily kick us off the ship onto some rocks to escape the megalodon quickly. As we touch down, The Prisoner meets us hidden among the far brush and the rocks and Ilai thinks she sees where it is and guides everyone’s eyes. Faeael summons 15 Berserkers to aid us and then kicks off combat, but misses with their first lightning arrow as it moves out of sight quickly. The berserkers move forward and fail to find the creature.

Florian, following Fae’ael arrow, charges forward past the berserkers and takes defensive posture as the creature remains hidden among the poor visibility that the storm offers. Eddrick meanwhile climbs on top of the soon to be recognized berserker, Brunhilde. Ilai tries again to search for the creature and in a flash of lightning sees the Prisoner on one of the stray rocks to the side of cliffs they stand on. Using this opportunity as all eyes turn towards it, The Prisoner scares all of the berserkers expect the one Eddrick is on, but Eddrick is also afraid. Fae’eal is the surprisingly and unfortunately only PC frightened. He also fucks up Fae’eal resultingly and John makes a secret roll.

Gloom casts Lightning Bolt and the Prisoner succeeds, but it’s still takes a solid chunk of damage having Gloom take first blood. Fae’eal then reasonably Misty Steps away from the Prisoner, shoots a solid 69 hp lightning arrow and runs away even further.

Brunhilde shrugs Eddrick off and moves to attack the Prisoner, while the rest of her berserker brethren try and save. Glooms Berserker guards regain their senses, and Florian moves and tries to javelin the creature but misses. The prisoner then tries to freeze Florian, but he super succeeds and we completely ignore the alternate timeline where he could’ve possibly failed (we live in the best of all possible worlds). Trying to take some initiative back, Eddrick tries to help with Flash Powder but it also super succeeds with a 30. Using her druidic lore to her advantage Ilai casts moonbeam, leading to a cat and mouse chase between the two for the rest of the battle.

The Prisoner takes out Glooms guards (2 claws and a bite) and runs away, Gloom hits it with his staff to everyone’s, especially Gloom’s, surprise and gets some damage in on it. Gloom fireballes the fell creature, and then it howls ominously and turns Fae’ael in a half werewolf (John rolled a natural one for Fae’ael’s save) and can’t attack it. While still holding their senses, Fae’ael heals herself and saves against the charm. Eddrick misses attacking it with a Low Blow, losing another turn but is still far away from the werewolf so counts his lucky stars. Florian only now for the first time hits it once with a Javelin, and Ilai heals Fae’ael and moves the moonbeam. The creature attacks and kills the one berserker who did save and then attacks Florian and John makes a secret roll.

Gloom Lightning Bolts the creature and it moves towards him in an aggressive response after felling the powerful Brunhilde. Fae’ael attacks the creature and Florian joins in the attacks with his hammer finally. The creature freezes/petrifies Gloom. Ilai heals Gloom a little bit and moves moonbeam and it attacks Gloom. Florian retaliates, and it attacks Florian, John makes a secret roll, and then repositions to be in the middle of Florian, Gloom, and 2 Berserkers.

Gloom resuscitates and lightning bolts it again, Fae’ael joining in on the refrain. The beserkers who can, move into melee and miss their attacks, but the frightened berserkers at range surprisingly do damage. The Prisoner then freezes Ilai, removing one of the more potent dangers from before it’s next turn, but in a flurry of raining blows, Florian finishes the Prisoner, turning it into fertilizer. But in it’s flowering death The Prisoner take a final glare at Florian in a final and knowing look of likeness. Moving forward, Ilai and Fae’ael find the creature’s lair and finds many bones and corpses of the unfortunate few who came to this island, and take hold of it’s treasure, with the group returning to Gloom’s Tower unmolested, but bearing new dangerous bonds between them.

Loot: 5764 gold pieces, belt of stone giant’s strength (Florian claimed), brooch of shielding, Efficient Quiver (Fae’ael claimed), 2 potions of greater healing, Super Werewolf Parts (Florian claimed)

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