Rags to Riches

Goal: Find the treasure near the water

We start this journey by being led into an ambush of toothy fey creatures. Gore starts battle by blessing his friends. Render cleaves through half a dozen monsters as Raoul, our personal on-site murder-machine, stabs the shit out of these poor unfortunate gremlin things. That combat is wrapped up quickly as these fucked up goblins are overwhelmed by the party’s violence.
Due to the short amount of travel needed, we quickly arrive at our destination. Render’s keen senses alert him to the fact that the body of water we’re looking for is hidden behind a waterfall. Teslan becomes preoccupied (Spoon must tend to a small hyooman whose care he has been charged with) as the rest of the party dives beyond the waterfall and onto the shores of a crystalline pool of water beyond. In the middle of the pond there is a small island that’s being swarmed by isopods. Gore once again Blesses his companions and then looks back at them in order to discuss how to get across this eel infested waters safely. He is quickly answered by Render’s actions as he dashes past him, leaps into the water, and swims across. Once there, he finds a skeleton covered in long forgotten wizard accoutrements (Doot Doot Doot, we found what we were looking for!). Raoul’s central eye dialates causing him to disapear in a cloud of darkness and feathers, reappearing on the island, then deals a tramendous amount of damage to the enemy combatants. Gore sees that Render has spent too much time being the only focus of the enemies and crosses the water himself. At one point he saves Render’s life with a clutch heal. Gore loses track of the fight and takes a shock from an eel straight to the heart. This time it is Render who comes to Gore’s rescue.

“You don’t get to die before I do!” yelled Render.

Meanwhile, Raoul continues his onslaught, leaving a trail of feathers and isopod corpses in his wake. Gore smites and kills two isopods in a row just as Teslan enters the battlefield (Spoon’s bb is well). Combat concludes and Gore receives a pat on the back from Teslan.

“Your blows were well struck, friend,” says Teslan.

“haha, all in a days work, partner, haha,” says Gore, just managing to supress the glee at being complimented by a hero.
Gore’s internal monologue screams. Partner?! WHO SAYS partner?! FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK.

After that very cool dialogue between best friends we dive into the loot under this dead wizard. A dope wand, some nice gloves, a nifty hat -yadda yadda. Then we get home safely :D!

Loot: 1x Potion of Greater Healing, 3x Potion of Healing, 1x Elixer of Certainty, 1x Pouch containing 4 sapphires (500g each), 2x Elixir of Arcane Focus, 1x Gloves of Mental Fortitude, 1x Cool Wizard hat (cosmetic), 1x Wand of winter, 347g

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