
Sir Render, Gore, & Junil set off from the Anderson Farmstead, heading towards the Orc Tower to the South East. They hoped to be able to gather information regarding the “Key”.
Their first day traveling, they encountered some soldiers on patrol from Wyvernfang Keep, and little else, until they arrived at a dozen old wooden posts, signs of old civilization. Resting under these ruins, they felt a little more sure of their heading, and immediately wandered into a swamp as night set in.

Weird tracks in the marshy ground, that of a huge, amphibious frog-like creature. Junil (with Sir Render’s aid) was able to confirm that only one of these creatures passed through the area, has four-toes, is bipedal, and has tentacles, and is roughly the size of an elephant.

While resting, the party was attacked by a FROGHEMOTH! Sacrificing two hand axes and a pile of good food, the party narrowly escape the massive, amphibious fiend, heroically retreating from its beastly lair. It seems the creature is quite territorial and defends the small swampland zealously.

After escaping the swamp, the party continues towards the Orc Tower, encountering goblinsign. Seems the little cretins were hunting something, probably small game.
Scouting the nearby hills, the companions three find a pair of ogres fighting over a horse carcass. Trading the pair of ogres a broom and an old suit of splint armor, the trio acquired a meal of horse meat.

The party decided to assault the tower, taking it by surprise, expecting negotiations to be “off the table”, with the original goal of capturing an orc for questioning about the “Key”. Climbing the outside of the tower, the valiant heroes singled out an Orc Rampart and began picking off the other orcs. By accidental mishap, the Orc Rampart was dropped from the top of the tower, and died from the fall. As he died, so did the possibility of making peace with the orc defenders, and an all out brawl began. Gravity, flaming fists, and divine swordsmanship defeated most of the orcs defending the tower, and after accepting their surrender, the heroes began their inquiries.

Unfortunately, the orcs seemed to know nothing about the “Key”. The party looted 2 Potions of Healing and 1000 gp from the tower before departing. Afterwards, the party traveled back safely to civilization, without encounters, due to time constraints.

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