- Rusty (Monk)
- Gloom (Wizard)
- Fae’ael (Ranger)
- Belrith (Cleric)
In the beginning we set out from the lake, having an uneventful journey to the end of the road.
Rusty and Belrith, as a laugh, hand the navigation to the new wizard. Breaking tradition, we do not get lost immediately, to Rusty’s disappointment. He encourages the wizard to try again, and the wizard gets us lost, at last. The ritual is complete.
After some more uneventful meandering, where we find some griffin bones we take for Florian, we take a rest for the night. We almost immediately get attacked by a Bulette! It’s beefy, but doesn’t damage us too badly. Deciding to butcher it for its armor the Artificer turns his Alchemy jug into a Bag of Holding to store the loot. We get Gloom to try alcohol for the first time!
We cut across the last of the hills, and leave the forest, finding some wandering ghouls. We dispatch them after some light damage to the cleric, and move on, hoping to find the ewer’s well. Finally we get into the well, and like last time, Rusty simply jumps down the shaft to confirm the depth. A rope is lowered, and the others file down.
Gloom, Belrith and Rusty become best friends, and we plunge into the cave. To our left, we find a corridor with a door at the end. At the right, there’s a cavern. We wander into the cave, and Kaelen throws a mushroom into the water, disturbing the nasty creatures that live here. One creature has a KIller Fog which makes life hell, and hurts terribly. Alongside it are two spider-like creatures who drag web along the ground and trap you. We limp our way through the fight, with Kaelen falling unconscious for a while, and come out the other side bruised, but all alive.
We search over the cave, and find some treasure, before returning to the door.
In the room we found a fire trap that caused a lot of mayhem. Next to it was a bedroom with books and other basic treasure. Behind the fire trap was a locked door, which when opened let out some wraths and other incorporeals. With a turn undead and some resources spent this was easily dealt with. In this room was a lot of treasure as well as the Ewer we were after. There was gold and valuables, weaponry, and even a title to an estate in a place called Tearwatch.
On the way back we got a little lost, found some ogre tracks, and placed the Ewer in the statue at the mountain shrine. It opened up a way down for future exploration!