- Rusty (Monk)
- Belrith (Cleric)
- Prism (Talent)
- Florian (Barbarian)
Got lost and took a more direct route, found a fox friend, Belrith fed it, and it led us to a corpse with a pouch of coins, and a Magical Longsword.
Further into the journey, we find a carcass covered in ravens, its a canine type animal, and is foreboding. We bury the corpse.
In the NE of this hex, there is a lake that feels interesting to magic users. We bathe and drink, in separate places. And a lady materializes out of the lake near us. She is a Water spirit, that says we can call her Crystal. Her lake’s name is now Lake Crystal Tears. She wants us to collect some water from the a basin in the mountains
Leaving the lake and journeying on, we discover a forest with spiders in it, sneaking doesn’t seem like an option so we fight our way through.
Florian and Rusty are now best friends, for 10 minutes!
Swarms of spiders hurt a lot. But we hurt them worse, and they are vanquished.
Coming over the rocky terrain, we find the statue. It holds a large square shield and spear, and stands 50ft or so tall. The statue is above a tomb, which seems to have shuffling and hollow sounds within. A light humming tune is being made from within also.
The tomb is housing some sort of old woman spellcaster, with her 4 ghost friends. While talking with the witch before the combat, Belrith gets a rough location of her home.
Some of us barely hold on, but we eventually come out on top.
Searching the tomb, we discover some coins, potions and a fountain that slowly replenishes a magical tonic that grants Temp HP. (2d4+2 per dose)