On what would later be known as 0 A.E. (After Emergence), the mage Sophia emerged in abandoned ruins amid a brand new world. She was followed by the first farmers, who settled in what would become the town of Sophia’s Rest. Within a few more days, the first adventurers arrived; they quickly secured the surrounding area, vanquishing the goblins that had laid claim to the land.
Hoping to get a better view of the landscape, a group set off towards the nearby mountains where they were battered by powerful air elementals and spotted a huge floating tower above the peaks. A locked door set into the base of a tree with golden leaves was encountered, though it was guarded by a duo of hostile elementals that proved too powerful to overcome. Deciding other directions of travel might be safer, groups explored the northwest where they discovered a land full of undead and the village of Crowspire, both under the control of a suspected vampire referred to as “Lady Amatheia.” Other groups explored the northeastern forest and dispatched two hags that had twisted the area with their magicks, though a third hag was implied to still be at large.
During these adventures, the heroes uncover mentions of Dawnfield, a place that existed long ago and was founded by people who emerged in similar fashion. No signs of it remain outside scattered mentions in ruins and books that have had large portions of their text magically erased. Additionally, various farmers and other artisans were found in the wilderness—having freshly emerged—and were shepherded back to Sophia’s Rest.
Needing finances to fund infrastructure development, several adventurers ventured into tombs and crypts that were discovered on scouting missions. Inside they often found great hoards of gold and magical artifacts. One one occasion they even resurrected a thief who was found dead inside.
Not long after, while surveying nearby mountains, the group discovered a celestial man by the name of Anahel who worked a forge atop a mountain peak. When asked what he was doing, he replied, “I no longer trouble myself with the eternal conflict of this land. Instead I work here, perfecting my craft,” and mentioned he hoped to one day make “the ultimate weapon”—a weapon that kills no one.
At this point in time, the influence of Sophia’s Rest began expanding. Many roads were built and ruins that dotted the landscape were rebuilt and claimed by various adventurers, creating new sanctuaries in the harsh wilderness.
A journey was led across the western sea, where a terrifyingly powerful werewolf imprisoned on an island was discovered. Reaching the shore of the western land revealed thick forests and mountains home to earth elementals.
An excursion into the Jinxwode, the deep forest to the northeast of Sophia’s Rest, was particularly fruitful. The adventurers met a group of minotaurs beneath a great tree they called Paldenro. One minotaur explained that their kin far to the north had been taken over by a great bloodlust and they had come to the tree in hopes of healing their companions’ minds. Below the tree. the party discovered an ancient gateway to a place known as the “Bronze Forest.” A scouting party journeyed through the portal and was ambushed by powerful bugbears who nearly devastated the group. The land was designated as particularly dangerous, but it’s still unclear exactly where the forest lies in relation to Sophia’s Rest.
Meanwhile, the vampire Lady Amatheia had taken an interest in Sophia’s Rest and sent a great force to retake a fort that had previously been cleared out by adventurers. Wanting to halt the undead advancement, a strike force was sent out to besiege the fort and wrestle it free from the undead once more. Plans were then set in motion to seize control of Crowspire.
On an island to the south, a group slew a tormented three-eyed beast. Raoul, a devotee of the Raven Queen, then took the creature’s third eye and claimed it for himself. Overnight, it fused into his forehead and granted him great power, at the cost of driving him slightly mad. Later, the cleric Belrith took Raoul to a temple they discovered on the island and managed to reduce the maddening effects of the eye by researching tomes and artifacts held within the temple’s basement.
Other adventures took place to grow the wealth of Sophia’s Rest and fund its growing infrastructure costs. Several more tombs were plundered, bandit forts cleared out, and even a green dragon slain in a swamp beyond the Jinxwode. Orcs were discovered to the southeast and the ocean was also explored more, where ruins below the waves were investigated and runic divination stones were uncovered—a powerful key to finding lost information in this land. Expeditions into the northern mountains revealed a volcanic island off the eastern shore of the continent.
After gathering enough equipment, and fresh blood, the soldiers of Sophia’s Rest marched upon Crowspire and liberated the town from the undead tyrant who controls the cursed territory. Lady Amatheia and her fortress remain undiscovered—though it must be nearby.
Meanwhile: a foothold was secured on the western landmass, an expedition into the Bronze Forest revealed its location relative to the known lands, tombs were plundered (and an evil spirit potentially unleashed?), and goblins were found to be regrouping south of Sophia’s Rest with a new leader—Bagnaz.
Now eyes look towards the Orc lands to the southwest, with the belief they hold a key to unlocking a door to the floating tower. Others look beyond Crowspire in hopes of putting Lady Amatheia to an end. New arrivals seem to be keen on tracking down the latest goblin leader…